Auralic G2 串流器 被<The Ear>評為2018年最佳串流播放器
Auralic的串流器是市場上最好的串流器材之一,G2的機械加工底盤、阻尼與吸收震動功能,以及其串流傳輸效果都是作爲一件優質串流器材的標志。因此,你只需配合一些好的音樂檔案,就能感受G2 streamer所帶來的最佳音質體驗。 G2還會讓你震驚於,原來數碼音響都可以如此動聽。這也就證明了獨立的串流器遠遠優於附在DAC內的串流功能,在此特別强調,那些想獲得好的數碼音響效果的人,都應該試下G2 streamer.
當加上G2 DAC和 G2 clock 配合使用時, G2 系列更能維持極好的時控效果和高分辨率的音質表現,這一切都打開了高級音響新世界的大門,把我們深深地吸引住。同時,它也配有極佳的控制軟件(Lightning DS) 和可與Roon一起運行。但無論是哪種方式,都很難找到可以替代G2所輸出的音響效果。
Auralic Aries G2 Wireless Streaming Transport features in The Ear's 'Best of 2018' -
' Auralic’s best streamer is also one of the best on the market, its single piece machined chassis, obsessive attention to noise elimination and even handed nature mark it out as a winner. You need a great source to hear the Aries G2 at its best but given this it will blow you away with just how good digital audio can sound. It proves that streaming is superior to attaching a data source to a. DAC in no uncertain terms and anyone looking to get the best out of digital audio should make a point of hearing the Aries G2.
We used it with a number of DACs as well as the Kii Three speakers and consistently got superbly timed, very high resolution results that opened up the music and drew us in. It has a sweet control app or can be run with Roon but either way it will deliver the sort of sound quality that few alternatives can match'